Tuesday 11 March 2014

Coursework Update 5

11.3.14 - We've finished all the planning and have completed almost all of the filming and have moved onto editing. We're going to need to re-film some shots because of some lighting issues; some of the shots we filmed were too dark and it's difficult to see what's going on. We also need to make titles for our film opening, including the film's name, who's starring in it and the individual group member's names. We still have the sound editing to do on GarageBand, but we feel we can get it done by the deadline. (Post written by Maisie Woodley)

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Storyboard Animatic 2 (voiceover)

This is our second storyboard animatic with a voiceover. We recorded this in two locations (hence slight change in volume) and edited the final video in Final Cut Pro.

Coursework Update 4

04.03.14 - Today we are filming our thriller opening in order to reach our deadline this Friday. We have booked to film in the photography dark room, reasoning for this will be within our location post. An actress has also been asked to participate in our piece and she has agreed. Our next update will be about our filming and how it went. (Post written by Jack Bumstead)

Coursework Update 3

13.02.14 - We have finished our first storyboard animatic in our free periods today and are due to finish the set tasks for the deadline tomorrow. This evening, I will complete the second animatic with a voiceover describing the techniques and further information the storyboard requires. (Post written by Jack Bumstead)

Coursework Update 2

11.02.14 - Today we are completing our pre-production planning. Maisie has completed the synopsis and the script yesterday and Luke has completed the storyboard. Today we have taken pictures of the Photography dark room to add to our blog as setting for our thriller opening. We are also aiming to complete an animatic of our storyboard today. (Post written by Jack Bumstead)