Friday 4 April 2014

3 Thriller film opening title and credits sequences research - Jack Bumstead

The Killing
Instead of a common black screen, the titling and credits in this film appear over an image. The image is really unclear and so creates an enigma. This will recur in the spectators mind every time they see it. The credit text appears by scrolling in letter by letter very fast from the left, this creates pace and music also appears alongside this.

The Silence
The effects that have been used in this sequence are flickering, shining and distortion. These are used to emphasise the distortion of the female protagonists disability. The explanation for the positioning and placement the titles and credits are placed in relation to the moving image is that they are in dead space. They are also super-imposed on the moving image, ensuring not to distract from the main plot.


This sequence is a mini narrative in itself because it is self standing, separate to the episode. Its function is to communicate certain information to the audience. The reasoning behind the colours used of yellow and blue are because they are the colours of the Swedish flag. The use of the yellow block graphic here is interesting because it is considered a happy colour. But, with the positioning and placement of the credits dominating the entire screen in ECU, this feeling is almost forced upon us as spectators. With the non-diegetic soundtrack also being used, this communicates a melancholic atmosphere and feeling, perhaps to juxtapose with the 'happy' yellow block graphic.

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