Tuesday 28 January 2014

Maisie's Analysis - The Usual Suspects

Time: 00.00 - 02.50

  • Restricted narration; villain's face is cropped from the shot, spectators question his identity (main question throughout the film)
  • Tracking shot coming down the stairs; POV?
  • Wide frame, establishes setting, main focus to the left (naturalistic)
Villain's identity hidden by restricted narration, standing over inferior character
  • Suggests status between the mystery figure and the man on the floor; low angle shot for villain (high status), high angle shot for man sitting on the floor (low status)

Mise en scene
  • Villain's long dark coat; iconographic to the genre, creating mystery and adding to the enigma
  • Low key lighting adding mystery and enigma
  • Man's facial expression shows apathy, establishes character
  • Sweaty and dirty, possible fight

  • Non-diegetic music is very ominous and runs parallel to the action taking place
  • Fire crackling/roaring, possible Foley to emphasize sound
  • Little dialogue between the characters which suggests tension
  • Music gets slower after man is shot, conveying sadness (parallel)
  • Builds up to a crescendo, new action is taking place

  • Main transition; cut, demonstrates the 180 degree rule, match-on-action, shot/reverse shot and a sound bridge of dialogue between the characters
  • Adds to enigma; why do they know each other, why is he shot
  • Off-screen sound of gunshot, cuts to outside the boat (showing setting), secret location, cuts to different areas show echo (disadvantage to villain?)
  • Other transition; dissolve, showing change in location and time
First shot; slow zoom on ropes
Slow dissolve from ropes to interrogation
Long shot of interrogation

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