Wednesday 29 January 2014

Maisie's Analysis - The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (Representation)

At the beginning of the sequence, the old man is opening the parcel very carefully with gloves and a small penknife. This shows that he knows what's in the parcel and has to be very careful with it. As he takes out the frame and looks at where it's from, he sits down and stares at it. This shows that he has some form of connection with it. The camera then zooms out and he begins crying, which confirms his connection with the parcel and creates an enigma. When the camera zooms out, more of the setting is revealed. It shows lots of antique items such as the large oak table and paintings on the wall, connoting that this man is very rich.

Man crying at his desk, quite small in the frame (lowest point?)
The girl, on the other hand, is represented in a different way. The spectators can easily see that this is a female character from the body structure and style of walking. She's wearing a black hoodie with dark jeans, which is against the gender stereotype. She walks quickly with her hands in her pockets and doesn't stop to talk to anyone. This suggests that she doesn't want to be seen and isn't trying to impress anyone. This then also creates an enigma and the spectators question if she is the girl with the dragon tattoo.

Girl walking in low profile
Restricted narration of her face, adds to enigma and aids her low profile

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