Tuesday 14 January 2014

POST-PRODUCTION - Evidence and discussions

Evidence of filming

Camera operator filming on set (filming match-on-action coming down the stairs)

Second location of filming (filming match-on-action going through the door and the corridor scene)

Evidence of editing

Editing the main preliminary video

Editing the blog

Editing sound on the main preliminary video

Discussion on editing decisions and techniques

For the first match-on-action we filmed, we initially decided that the actress was to keep on walking down the two flights of stairs, but then decided against it and had her stop and carry on in the next shot. We found the second major match-on-action challenging because the actress was moving at slightly different speeds in the two shots, so in post-production editing we had to cut them very specifically.

When we filmed the shot/reverse shots and 180-degree rule, we thought we could have the shadowy figure take the envelope without a close-up, but later on decided that a close-up would be more dramatic and give it more emphasis. In post-production, this proved to be a very successful match-on-action.

In pre-production when we were story-boarding, we originally weren't going to have a crab shot around the shadowy character, but after some consideration we decided we'd put it in to add effect and emphasis, much like the close-up on the envelope.

Towards the end of the video, we realised the canted shot was on the other side of the 180-degree line. At first we thought we'd broken the rule, but after closer inspection, we realised it didn't alter the viewer's perception on the situation and actually looked quite effective.

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