Sunday 2 February 2014

Luke, Drive (1)

The opening to Drive consists of many techniques of sound, MES and editing that make it look more like a thriller.

There are a lot of long takes which establishes the film as slow and thought provoking, like a thriller, rather than fast paced like an action film. It also uses close ups and extreme close ups with creates enigma by not revealing the whole of the action. The use of POV shots involves the audience in the film, this is iconic to thriller films due to the tension it creates. The camera aims at the mirror in the car creating blocking around the characters reflection creating restricted narration.

The lighting in this opening matches the iconography of a thriller film, this is because the style of lighting used is low key lighting, this creates a neo noir visual style. The harsh shadows created by the lighting shows part of the characters faces creating enigma due to the fact it shows two sided to the character so that it is not clear whether they are the antagonist or the protagonist.

They have edited this opening sequence so that the colour and the lighting is faded and de-saturated which is iconic in thriller films because it also creates a neo noir visual style creating mystery and metaphorical darkness. The transitions are simple cuts which allows the scenes are shots to change easily and simply so that none of the focus is taken off the action.

Characters and Props
The characters and props match the iconography of the thriller genre, such as the mysterious looking male character and the robbers who are wearing masks and holding weapons. The robbers give a string sense that this film is a thriller because of the fact they are wearing masks and holding guns, making it obvious they have just committed a crime, the guns are also iconic props used in thriller films. The first shot shows the main character on the phone but we aren't sure who or what it is about this creates enigma and mystery typical in thriller films. The main characters facial expression stays emotionless and calm throughout telling us that he too is emotionless, iconic of the genre

The sound in this opening is parallel to the action taking place which means it matches the tense situation, the music is minimal as stays quiet throughout this is where silence is used foe dramatic and mysterious effect.

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