Thursday 13 February 2014



Main props:

  • Newspaper
  • Criminal records - the image of the criminal must be a sketch, as his face is unknown
  • Voice recorder
  • Household item - in which Ghost uses to knock Abigail unconscious (rolling pin?)
The newspaper and criminal records will have to be made using either Photoshop, Word or a template found on the internet, because we need to try and make them look as realistic as possible. This is because most of the camera shots will be ECUs, so attention to detail is important. The voice recorder could be a number of things, from a phone to an actual sound recorder.
Other minor props will include more papers for when Abigail is researching, but they can be blank because the camera will not be focusing on them, therefore the audience won't pay much attention to them.


Our film is set during modern day so our characters will be wearing modern clothes. Abigail's detective clothes will consist of a macintosh or jacket, trousers and shoes/boots. They will be mostly dark material and she need to be able to move freely.

Ghost will wear more informal clothes, such as a jacket, jeans and sneakers. As he is a very mysterious character, he needs to be able to move around silently, so soft material is important to make him as quiet as possible. He will need to wear either a mask or a scarf to hide his face (a mask will be seen as more threatening), so either an actual face mask or a hockey mask.


There won't be much to do for make-up. Abigail could wear usual make-up, and the only other make-up includes a bruise for when after Abigail is knocked out.

(post by Maisie Woodley)

1 comment:

  1. Good examples and intriguing. Well done! What about the location and risk assessments?
