Monday 24 February 2014

Maisie's Research (4 openings)

Kill Bill

Time: 00.00 - 02.00

  • Spectators are looking down on her in a BEV shot; she is at her most vulnerable state
  • Restricted narration of second character's body; creates enigma
  • Close up; isolated, main focus
  • Positioned to the left of frame; more natural
  • Tracking shot; shows setting
Tracking shot of second character walking towards first
  • Her heavy breathing is very loud and is the only audible sound, possible Foley
  • Sound bridge of footsteps; builds tension and enigma
  • Dialogue; patronizing, establishes character
  • Gun sound effect; builds tension and the character, possible Foley
  • Music; runs parallel, conveys sadness

Mise en scene
  • Desaturation; adds to the mood of the scene, suggests past event
  • Clothing; suggests they are wealthy, connection between characters (black suit and veil - marriage?)
  • Facial expression; spectators can connect with characters, emotional
  • Lighting; soft, one side of her face, sinister atmosphere

  • Parallel editing; aids sound bridge, creates connection
  • Transitionscut (main), continuity of time, setting and sound
  • Cuts to black, signalling finality; fast and sudden like the gunshot, shock effect
First character in discomfort, frightened of second character

Time: 00.00 - 02.00

  • Spectators are looking down on her in a BEV shot; she is at her most vulnerable state
  • Restricted narration of second character's body; creates enigma
  • Close up; isolated, main focus
  • Positioned to the left of frame; more natural
  • Tracking shot; shows setting
Tracking shot of second character walking towards first
  • Her heavy breathing is very loud and is the only audible sound, possible Foley
  • Sound bridge of footsteps; builds tension and enigma
  • Dialogue; patronizing, establishes character
  • Gun sound effect; builds tension and the character, possible Foley
  • Music; runs parallel, conveys sadness

Mise en scene
  • Desaturation; adds to the mood of the scene, suggests past event
  • Clothing; suggests they are wealthy, connection between characters (black suit and veil - marriage?)
  • Facial expression; spectators can connect with characters, emotional
  • Lighting; soft, one side of her face, sinister atmosphere

  • Parallel editing; aids sound bridge, creates connection
  • Transitionscut (main), continuity of time, setting and sound
  • Cuts to black, signalling finality; fast and sudden like the gunshot, shock effect
First character in discomfort, frightened of second character


Time: 00.00 - 02.00

  • POV shot; establishes setting, gives spectators perspective
  • Focus pull; sense of nausea
  • Steadicam; nauseating, shows character
  • Close up; anticipation, isolation, importance
  • Restricted narration; backs of children/old man, enigmatic
  • Long shots; distant, connection with spectators/man, emotional
  • Zoom; isolation, anticipation

Focus pull of the children
  • Music; calming and quiet, runs parallel, builds to crescendo, changes with setting (gravitas, importance)
  • Waves; loud, showing setting, possible Foley (emphasis?)
  • Children's voices; shows character, Foley?

Mise en scene
  • Facial expression; emotional, shows character
  • Clothing; grubby jacket shows inferiority, suit shows high status
  • Gun; action, close up builds tension, enigma of why the man has a gun, protection?
  • Spinning top; creates enigma, clue for story
  • Setting/location; shows wealth for older man (long table, own security), nationality, man on beach shouldn't be there
  • Lighting; bright golden light, natural, positive, darker inside, sinister
CU on gun and spinning top
MCU of elderly man, restricted narration of his identity
  • Transitionscut, keeps continuity
  • Subtitles, helps spectators know what's going on (enigma of the choice of location)
  • Slow motion; dream-like, aids nauseating effect

North By North-West

Time: 00.00 - 02.00

  • Long shots; establishes setting
  • Wide frame; shows how much action is going on, no main focus at first
  • Medium shots; spectators focused on them, shows characters (protagonist?)
  • Tracking; flows, hear entire conversation, spectators can connect with the characters 

  • Music; parallel, fast paced, upbeat, stringed instruments convey restless atmosphere
  • Dialogue; fast, conveys atmosphere
  • Footsteps, loud and fast, parallel with atmosphere; possible Foley to emphasize frantic movement

Mise en scene
  • Facial expressions; focused, conveys atmosphere, sometimes calm, slightly less stressed (people around them show anger and frustration)
  • Clothing; smart, wealthy, high status
  • Lightingnatural, same lighting across frame

  • Transitionscut, keeps continuity
  • Titles fit with the action, they slide in with the characters' movement, helps the overall effect of the busy city
Multiple shots connected by cuts shows that this is happening all over the place at the same time.

Two characters amongst the bustling crowd
The MCU shows their importance to the film and the enigma of why they're so important to created. When they get into the taxi, the camera is fully focused on them. They sit relatively close together, creating a connection between them and adding to the enigma.

Minority Report

Time: 00.00 - 02.00

The first few seconds of the sequence are unclear as the shot is completely out of focus. There is then a focus pull followed by two more, where the spectators can finally see what is happening. It then cuts to a distorted image of some scissors, which are iconographic to the specified genre.
Out-of-focus slow motion shot, giving a dream-like effect
The music is quite harrowing and the stringed instruments give a tense atmosphere to the sequence, running almost contrapuntal to the sensual and slow opening. Also, the non-diegetic sounds behind the music are unsettling, signalling to the spectators that something isn't right.

The sound effects and music have also been distorted. The music fades in and out, slowly building up to a crescendo. The sound effects are brought up, such as the stabbing with the scissors, to give them emphasis.

The shot types are mainly close ups, to see facial expressions and to give the sequence a sense of insanity and discomfort. The opening starts off slow but the frequency of the editing increases, quickly cutting from each subject. The colour of the image is slightly desaturated and the high contrast lighting adds to the effect of instability, giving the atmosphere a sinister sense. Most of the shots are canted, as an addition to the frantic and almost maddening sequence.

Canted shot, suggests instability
Facial expressions shows the gravitas of the situation, pain and terror
The shots appear to be in non-chronological order; the brutal murder of the woman is shown several times and some shots show things that have happened in the past (or future). This continues the effect of instability and creates an enigma, as the spectators are constantly questioning what is going on and what the significance of all this is. Some of the shots are in slow motionfast forward and in reverse to add to the distorted effect.

The distortion of the music and the shots gives this sequence a very dream-like sense, as if someone is remembering it. It makes the spectators question why it's been edited like this before it is answered later in the clip and, evidently, the film.

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