Wednesday 12 February 2014



Underlined = Opening

Number 1 Detective Abigail Ward is given a new case; to track down a mass murderer named Ghost and bring them to justice. His name was given to him due to the fact that he is never caught after he kills, and no one has seen his face. She sets about researching and locating him. Meanwhile, Ghost is planning to capture his next victim, and he's already got his eye on Detective Ward. Abigail starts searching for him and her loose leads bring her to a disused house. As Abigail tries to find Ghost, she's knocked out and captured. She wakes up tied to a chair in a dark room with one light, and Ghost appears.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre
He reveals he's been tracking her, as he's done with past victims. He shows her pictures of herself that he's taken covertly, which she is horrified at. He begins to interrogate her and threaten her, saying he'll torture her if she doesn't remove him from the criminal records and leave him be. Abigail tries to reason with him, saying that he is dangerous and is needed to be taken in, but this only ends up angering him and her getting knocked out again. This time, she wakes up strapped to a table. Ghost demands that she removes his name, but she declines. So the torturing begins and Ghost does this in several ways, from scratching her skin to whipping. He keeps her locked away for weeks that turn into months, torturing her when he feels it necessary and to calm his crazed heart. Along side this, however, Ghost allows Abigail rest and food, almost showing a softer side to him. Abigail tries to gain his trust, trying to find his good side and tell him that he could stop what he was doing. He reveals his identity, but Ghost doesn't fall for her rhetoric.

As the torturing continues, it becomes apparent that the police are now looking for Abigail. This doesn't deter Ghost. In fact, he uses this to his advantage. He sends out recorded video messages to the police and government saying he'll release Abigail if they take his name off the records and leave him alone. If not, he will kill her. He aids this by showing images of the now severely weak Abigail. The police give in and say they will obey, which surprises Ghost. He gives them the location and the police go to rescue Abigail.

They arrive and find a masked Ghost with Abigail, holding a gun to her head. He demands to see the papers and tells them to burn them. A policeman takes out the papers reluctantly and sets them alight. Delighted, Ghost willingly releases Abigail. As the police begin to leave, Ghost cheerfully rummages around in the last few ashes of the papers. He then quickly realises that they were fake, a decoy so that he would release Abigail without any fuss. He is furious and goes to shoot Abigail, but hesitates. He remembers that this woman tried to see the good in him and genuinely cared for him. He wants to shoot her, but he feels he can't. In the end, the police turn their guns on him and he is killed.

Over time, whilst Abigail recovers, she is happy that the insane man is put to rest and society is safe, but also shows remorse, as she knows he could have backed down and none of this madness would have happened. The film ends with Abigail recovering and reminiscing in hospital.

(post by Maisie Woodley)

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