Sunday 2 February 2014

Luke, Kill Bill (4)

There is a long take which contains an extreme close up of the protagonists face. This long take and ECU creates suspense due to the lack of shot diversity showing us the surrounding, this also creates enigma and restricted narration. The next is also a long take but this time it is a mid shot of a persons silhouette. The fact the camera doesn't move or change creates restricted narration which is common in the thriller genre.

Low key lighting is used in the first shot to light one half of her face and leave the other in shadow this tells us there are tow side to this character thus creating enigma over what sort of character she is. The lighting in the second shot is also low key and creates the silhouette of a person, the silhouette creates mystery over who that character is and where the are and what they are doing, therefore it raises allot of questions.

The sequence has been editing so that it is black and white, this shows that all the life has drained from the character we are looking at, the extremely de-saturated colour matches the iconography of thriller films. The first transition is a quick cut jumping us away from the scene as something violent happens, this matches the gunshot and creates enigma over the last bit of action we saw. Later there is a slow fade from black which slowly brings us back to the action after it has calmed down. All of this creates a visual style that matched the iconography of thriller films.

Character and props
The protagonist we see appears to be a stereotypical female who is in less power than the other male character we hear and partially see. These two characters are binary opposites and are archetypes to the thriller genre. The fact the female is covered in blood and  in a wedding dress raises questions and creates enigma.

There is non-diegetic music used which is parallel to the sequence because of the lyrics and tone sound sinister which matches the action in the scene. The diegetic sound tells us about what we cant see, for example we hear a gun and a males voice even though we don't see them, this creates enigma over what we can hear but cant see.

1 comment:

  1. You have used terms here, and you make implicit reference to the conventions. You need to improve this by making more explicit reference to how the thriller mood and content is constructed by these techniques, and try to add comments about what you're inspired by. More screen grabs are needed to act as illustration - like the micro work for Film last year.
