Wednesday 12 February 2014


Red writing - stage directions

[opens with Abigail doing research, speaking into recorder, early morning]

Abigail: The date is 31st March, 2014 (pause) My research has lead me to believe that the criminal in question, who goes by the name of Ghost, committed his first crime of murder (pause) on the 7th June 2009...

[dissolves to second shot of Abigail continuing strenuous research, afternoon]

Abigail: ...trying to find his current whereabouts (sigh) but have found nothing. He's too fast and leaves no trace. From my deductions, I have discovered that he moves every fortnight (pause) closing in on another victim...

[another dissolve, evening]

Abigail: ...strikes again. The police didn't manage to catch him and yet another innocent civilian falls victim to his (pause) cruel ways. That makes (pause) five in total. I need to act soon...

[dissolves again, night]

Abigail: (long pause before picking up recorder) The date is (pause) 12th May, 2014. I have got no further with my research (long pause) Ghost is still out there and is planning his next victim as I speak. I haven't been able to conclude his current location due to lack of evidence, and I fear this case is at a loss (long sigh) If that is to be the outcome (pause) I see no further purpose in continuing re-

[stops speech when she sees an article showing a recent sighting]

Abigail: (grabs papers, hopeful that this is a step forward, reads) Oh my god (continues reading, then picks up phone) Hello? (pause) Yes. I think I've got him.

[cuts to black]
[cross cutting between Abigail getting ready to go out and the new character, Ghost, pacing around a lone chair]
[the two characters finally meet when Ghost knocks Abigail out and she wakes up tied to chair, a spotlight above her]
[she stares ahead at something the audience can't see, then Ghost walks into view]

Ghost: Hello, Miss Ward.

(post by Maisie Woodley)

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