Sunday 2 February 2014

Luke, Face Off (3)

There are many interesting shots which help to create mystery and the visual style of a thriller, such as the shot in front of the gun which shows a close up of the characters and an extreme close up of his eye through the scope of the gun. There are also extreme close ups of the characters lips and moustache as he sinisterly sips his drink. There are also POV shots of the character looking through the gun scope making us fell like we are shooting someone therefore increasing the drama. They use hand held camera shots after the bullet was fired increasing the tension and action of the circumstances.

The lighting is very naturalistic creating realism which is part of the iconography of thriller films, this is done by using high key lighting. The lighting is also used to create a silhouette of the antagonist when we first see him, this creates restricted narration thus building tension and mystery, crucial for thrillers.

They have done allot of editing to the visual style of the scene, they have lowered the colour and the lighting making is de-saturated, this is iconic in thriller films. The use interesting transitions such as dissolves which slows the scene down making it more sinister and tense, the use of slow transitions is common in thriller openings.

Characters and Props
The characters in this opening could be considered as binary opposites this is because the antagonist is alone and sinister looking, whereas the protagonist and with a child and looks friendly. These being binary opposites is iconic in thriller films which means they fit the thriller archetypes. The gun is a prop that matches the iconography of a thriller film because it shows crime and violence in a implied way rather than blood and explosions.

Most of the diegetic sound has been muted for effect apart from the gun firing this emphasises drama and suspense. There is parallel non-diegetic music which is used to also create the thriller effect because it is slow and sinister, it leads us towards the dramatic event via a crescendo which adds to the drama we are seeing.

1 comment:

  1. This is rather short Luke. You could add a great deal more in each category, and also add images to illustrate. Remember that each should be around 2 screen's worth, not including images. With this length, you can't achieve more than level 3-.
